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Animation Film Summary

Our storyline was about skittles (fruity candy) vs. m&ms (chocolate candy) and they were in a war type thing with each other because they are enemies and then the skittles capture the m&m king, but he ends up getting away and getting his victory. Our ideas changed a lot while we were making the actual animation, we planned to do one thing but ended up doing something totally different because of the way everything was going and turning out. I think the thing that went the smoothest would be frame by frame & imovie, after the computer stuff it went a lot smoother and was easier to do. The biggest struggle was working with the candy, it was a lot more of a mess than we thought and we had to try to not ruin the scenes every time we moved it.

I learned that you really have to be steady and have control of the camera or else it can look really choppy and stupid. But i learned a lot about putting a movie together and working with that sort of stuff in order to make it the way you want it. If i could do it all over i definitely wouldn’t use candy because it was really hectic and got super annoying to work with especially cause our hands were getting all chocolatey  from the m&ms and stuff. If i made a sequel i would make all the candy die because it was annoying to work with…

Animation Reflection

1. The animation that i liked the best was Her Morning Elegance, i liked how they showed the video on just a bed and made it look like scenes and it looked like she was running and doing a ton of other stuff.

2.  I like the creativity and all of the different ideas and the way they all differ from each other so much but are there own idea. I like the idea of it being individual pictures put together instead of just a recording of what is happening.

3. I like the people animations a lot because there is so many different things that you can do but the other ones are really creative too cause it’s like theres no limit and the people who make these seem to go so over the top with it.

4. Definitely make sure that we take enough pictures and move things the right way so it looks like it flows together really well and it isn’t all choppy because i think it could be a challenge to make it look just the way you want.


Quackers by cselvanera

1. Clever

2. This t-shirt has a picture of Daffy Duck laughing really hard with a line saying….’you quack me up’.

3. I like the use of color in this shirt, with the black background it makes the image stick out a lot more, especially with the extra red background behind daffy duck. Very bright so it sticks out a lot.

4. Space- With the red background behind Daffy Duck it makes it look more three dimensional and good because it actually looks like it’s going back, it’s not just a flat image. Color- I think the color in this shirt is used really well because it is bright and vibrant colors with the red and yellow so it makes it more appealing and stick out a lot more. Movement- I think that movement applies to this shirt because you can tell how the duck is laughing and he is sort of throwing his head/body back so you can tell he isn’t just standing there laughing there is actually and affect on him.

5. Someone who has a sense of humor and maybe is in to animation or cartoony type things. It shows a lot of characteristic in those area’s and is very clever and funny.

6. This shirt appealed to me because the bright and vibrant colors really made it stick out and then after i looked at it there was a good sense of humor and i enjoy funny shirts like that.

7. I don’t know if i would personally buy this shirt just because i don’t really wear stuff like that but it is still a very nice and appealing shirt.

Autumn Nightfall by vkat

1. Creative

2. This shirt has a lot of imagery in it. It is the outline of a girl with images that have to do with autumn. It has leaf-less trees and birds flying away like it is time to migrate somewhere warming cause it is getting colder.

3. There is a really good use of color in this shirt it has very vibrant colors but it’s like they are trying to be put out that way, showing the transition from summer to winter with the autumn colors and the vibrance.

4. Color- i think color is the main/huge part in this t-shirt. Like i said they are very vibrant and they make the shirt stick out a lot especially being behind a white background. Line- there is very good use of line in this picture with the tree’s and the outline of the silhouette of the girl. Contrast-there is a lot of contrast in this picture but i think that is what makes it really good. The colors stick out so much, especially going against each other. Some of them are more dark like the oranges and pinks but then the blue is very bright and almost neon.

5. This to me looks like a shirt that someone who is very interested in art would buy. Someone who is very creative and a really good artist there self even.

6. This shirt appealed to me mainly because of the color and i really like the artistic design of it and how creative it is. It seemed like there was a lot or work and meaning put into it.

7. I would maybe wear this shirt just because i think it looks so good and creative and it interests me a lot.

When i see an elephant fly by therealtomdeal

1. Cute

2. In this shirt you see an elephant flying by holding onto balloons with his trunk and they are lifting him into the air.

3. I like the use of color it’s not too extreme but it looks good and simple with the blue background and the different colored balloons.

4. Balance- This shirt is very balanced because the elephant flying from the balloons is just right in the middle so it doesn’t throw anything off and it looks good at the same time. Shape- This shirt uses shape with making all of the imagery on it. The elephant and the balloons are both made up of shapes.

5. Someone with a newborn would probably buy this shirt seeing as how it is made for a baby.

6. This shirt appealed to me because it was very simple compared to other designs, but it was also very cute and clever at the same time.

7. If i had a kid i would probably buy this shirt cause i like the image a lot and think it’d be really cute.

The wise one by radiomode

1. Funny

2. An owl sitting on top of a stack of books.

3. This shirt doesn’t really use color it is just a black and white and grey.

4. Value-I would say value is used well in this design cause it has a lot of different grey’s and blacks so it’s not all the same. Emphasis- i think this design uses emphasis on the owl with the glasses to get the point across and they want that to be the main idea of the shirt. Texture-i’d say the use texture pretty well in this design they don’t just make the owl look plain and flat you can actually see where the feathers are and everything else.

5. I think a person with a good sense of humor and has a smart/nerdy but clever side to them would definitely buy this shirt.

6. This shirt appealed to me cause it was black and white and grey unlike the others so it was different and i thought it was a really funny and clever design and i enjoy shirts like that.

7. I don’t really see myself wearing this shirt i feel like it is a shirt more for boys then girls, but anyone could wear it that’s just what i feel.

T-Shirt Brainstorm

1. I want to do a theme that has something to do with cats or kittens.

2. I want my shirt to have a variety of different colors on it, depending on what i decide to incorporate on it.

3. The imagery on my t-shirt will have something to do with cats.

4. I will probably trace an image of a cat into illistrator with the paintbrush tool so that i can incorporate color into it. I will not draw out my design first.

Typography Project



1. Pubble…..this realtes to my font because they are pointy bubble letters so when you combine the two it is Pubble.

2. My font is a bubble type of font but at the ends of each of the letters it comes to a point and it is the same with the little spaces inside of them like on the a or b for example there is the little bubble circle, but both ends have points.

3. I’m not really sure what inspiration I had, i knew i wanted to do bubble letters and once i started drawing it out and playing around with different things to do i liked the way this font i practiced turned out.

4. I’d say this relates to my personality because it is creative and when i do something having to do with art i always try to be different and creative with it, even though it may not always turn out that way or how i wanted it to.

5. I’d say the biggest struggle would be fixing some points and glitches while using the pen tool. Some of the letters were hard to make bubbly without it looking un-proportioned or having points where there wasn’t suppose to be. It was also hard to make the letters look the same size when making the width of the letters inside.

6. I’d say overall i did pretty well at making the letters all look and seem very similar with the bubbly-ness and how i brought all the ends to a point, it was hard but i think most of it turned out better than i thought it would.

7. I think instead of doing a bubble letter i would think of something to do that is more simple, but still cool and creative, with normal letters because people use them more than bubble letters.

Typography Brainstorm

1. I want to make a typeface that is different and creative, something maybe to do with bubble letters, but maybe just normal letters too. Something that will look good but still be different.

2. I think that my typeface will probably be serif or decorative depending on what i decide to do when i start making it.

3. I don’t have a lot of inspiration besides making it look somewhat decent and make it different.

4. I would probably want my font to be used for something random and out of the ordinary that will put it to good use. Something fun and creative like some sort of big project or something.

5. I will probably use the pen tool to try and create my font, and probably some of the shape tools too.


1. I think that the font can create a mood, feeling, or image in a lot of different ways. Just depending on the font in general can tell you a lot about something. For example, if it’s something really important or a big deal it will more in likely be bold and big compared to something else that may be small and seem worthless. Depending on the font, size, and usage, i think can make you feel bored, happy, sad, etc.

2. I would say the font that i use the most would be Times New Roman and i use that a lot because on most papers it is required so we don’t use up unnecessary space just to make the paper longer. Besides that i would say i still use Times New Roman the most because it is the default font and i dont take the time to change it.

3. Not sure (absent)

4. I don’t think that it would really be a big deal to me because it would be the same store and everything just with a different look which to me wouldn’t make a difference of how i feel or think of it.

5. Not sure (absent)

6. Not sure (absent)

Made Up Character


Monster #2


Monster #1


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